Project Services

      High solution interpretation of seismic data
      Creating an structural framework based on Petrel exploration and production software for well seismic calibration, structural contrast and fine structural interpretation.

      Structural correlation and well seismic calibration
      Based on wells sequence stratigraphic correlation for target zone to select the most representative Stratigraphic section, as to establish the division of seismic reflection waves and seismic reflection unit. Which allow us refer to the characteristic of seismic waves to accomplish multiple well seismic calibration of stratigraphic framework seismic interpretation section corresponding to sequence stratigraphic correlation.

      Fine structural interpretation
      Provided reasonable seismic interpretation solution by correlation with seismic section review and all of interpretation solution for Horizon tracing and closure. Picking up fault point and combination of fault plane based on coherent data to acquire best fault plane combination solution. Research on the fault plane and structural of characteristic to accomplish TO map, establishing space-variant velocity field, space-variant depth conversion to achieve depth structure diagram.

      Reservoir zone prediction and fine reservoir  description for perspective target area
      Through the research on seismic facies interpretation, sedimentary facies interpretation and sand prediction, combination of structural plane change rule to prediction lithologic trap facies types and distribution, with a varieties of prediction methods to predict lateral reservoir of lithologic trap development.